LEGION Model Builder Help

Layers Directory

The Layers Directory allows you to add new layers and view and edit the properties of existing layers. It is displayed alongside the LEGION Model Builder workspace and can also be displayed by selecting View > Toolbars > Layers.

The Layers Directory lists all layers in the model alphabetically, along with icons that denote whether a layer is snappable, locked or visible:

A diagonal bar across an icon means it is either not snappable or not visible; the open or closed padlock icon tells you whether the layer is locked or unlocked. A blue padlock icon denotes a layer that cannot be unlocked; all non-Analysis Layers within LEGION Simulator are permanently locked.

In the top right of the dialog box there are two further icons: Clicking the left-hand ‘copy’ icon duplicates a selected layer; clicking the rubbish bin icon deletes a selected layer.

To make layers snappable, visible or locked:

  1. Select View > Toolbars > Layers or drag the Layers Directory over the workspace to enlarge it.
  2. Click once on the appropriate icons adjacent to a layer to toggle them on or off.

    For example, to lock a layer, click on the padlock icon so that it appears as a closed padlock; to make a layer invisible, click on the eye icon so that it is crossed out with a diagonal line.

  3. Repeat for each layer whose properties you want to change.
    Tip: You can also make one or more layers visible or invisible from the Object Directory. Click on the eye icon next to a layer or a selection of layers. You can also do this for objects within layers.